Start Point Therapy
Counselling and psychotherapy in Kingsbridge and online
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions that people commonly ask. If you have a query that isn't answered here then please use the contact me button to ask your question directly. I will answer you within one working day.
Do I need to know a lot about computers to work with you online?
No. If you can open an email and click on a link then you know enough to work online. You will also need a quiet confidential space, and good enough broadband to watch a video.
Do you work with children?
I am not currently able to work with under-18s.
How do I pay?
I take payment in advance or during the session. In advance via BACS, or card payments when we meet.
How many sessions will I need?
This will depend on what your problem is, and how you want to address it. When we discuss what you hope to achieve from working with me, we will also discuss how long we may need to be working together.
After your first session, once I have an idea of your problem, we will discuss your aims and how long we may need for this. This will be a guideline for you, but you remain in control of deciding what is right for you.
Will you be my doctor?
No, I will work alongside but not instead of your usual GP. I can offer you longer appointments than your GP is able to, and I can work together with your GP if needed. Because of my medical training I can discuss your medication, but I will not change, start or stop medication without it being discussed with your GP. I will not issue prescriptions for you. I will understand and be able to discuss any other physical or mental health problems you have, but I will not have access to your full NHS medical record so any discussions or decisions will still need the involvement of your GP.